Never underestimate the singing chops of your cabin steward. And, appreciate the funky dance moves of the busboy and helpers in the dining hall. Students on the summer voyag

e certainly did. The talent among the crew surprised and thrilled students and staff during the annual evening performance.
“I really enjoyed it. I was surprised the crew could sing so well,” said Sharon Hornstein of UConn.
Students could hear the crew practicing for several days behind closed doors—strumming their electric guitars and the thump-thump of hip-hop music. During the night of the performance they heard the smooth crooning voice of longtime crew member Vic Adobo, who belted out a wonde

rful rendition of Lionel Ritchie’s “Lady”. The hit for many students were the hip-hop dancing routines by steward cabins and dining hall staff.
“Usually when I see them around they’re always working all the time, so, it was nice to see them having fun,” said st

udent Nathan Pearson, who attends West Virginia University. Vic was Nathan’s favorite act. “He was really good. He just got up there and really belted out those love songs.”
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